Outsourcing can increase your bottom line versus hiring in-house

  • Outsourcing can increase your bottom line versus hiring in-house!

  • Flexible Service options and timelines

  • We work directly with you and your CPA to ensure your transactions are recorded accurately and ready to submit for taxes at year-end.

  • Why worry about writing and mailing checks when we can process your vendor payables online

  • Get your invoices out sooner so you can get paid and have cash-flow available for your business needs

  • Cash flow is one of the most important factors for a business. Let us set up tracking that correlates your available cash & profitability to your maximize your knowledge for your business growth and development options

  • Do you have multiple business sources or avenues that you want to track progress on? We can set up tracking of profitability through Class, Location or Client QuickBooks category options.

  • Are you a new business and unsure on what accounting format is best for you. No worries, we can provide guidance and QuickBooks set up services based on your business reporting needs.

  • Are you month’s behind on recording your financial transactions because you were busy running your business? No worries, we can get you caught up.

Experience Peace of mind with our Professional Bookkeeping Services

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation and learn more about how outsourcing to JK Bookkeeping can help your business.  Your success is our success!




Why Hire JK Bookkeeping Services?

Most business owners who do their own books don’t do it because they love to do bookkeeping. They do it because they think they can’t afford a real bookkeeper, but little do they know they are wasting more of their money and time by doing it themselves when they would be better off using that time to run their company.

According to the Small Business Administration, “bad bookkeeping or no bookkeeping system” is a top reason why many new businesses fail.

So Why Us?

1. Professional Business knowledge

Outsourcing your bookkeeping needs to us means you are getting 20 years of business knowledge and experience that goes beyond the transactional level of focus.

2. Process Standardization

The biggest complaints that CFOs, CPAs and Managers have is incorrect/inconsistent classification of income or expense by bookkeepers. At JK Bookkeeping, we have standardized our systems and processes resulting in consistent numbers and classifications no matter who works on your account.

3. Better Security

We value your financial data as much as we do ours. While others frequently request financial information including bank and credit card information over email we will transfer these documents over secure connections and carry data breach insurance.

4. Business Insight

We offer insight in to your financial data that you would not normally get from your bookkeeper or accounting department. This would allow you to make business decisions based on solid financial data and analysis rather than on your gut. For this business insight, which is commonly known as business intelligence in the corporate world, companies spend mega dollars to get the systems and procedures in place. You would get this as part of the services that you select.

5. Better Control

With JK Bookkeeping you will have better control on your finances and will have easy access to your financial reports. JK Bookkeeping is focused on serving businesses such as yours.

6. Savings on Overheads

By working with JK Bookkeeping, you cut down on your overheads of personnel, benefits, office space and technology cost for bookkeeping work.

7. Not hiring a bookkeeper can be a costly mistake

Many new business owners spend more than they save when doing their books themselves.  How effective, or ineffective, your accounting is not only affects your cash flow, but your survival rate. An accurate bookkeeping system is also crucial for preparing your annual federal and state income tax returns and filing sales tax and/or payroll and taxes in a timely manner.   Managing your company’s financial books is a time consuming process and often takes precedence over other important tasks. At JK Bookkeeping our goal is to completely take over your financial bookkeeping so you have time to focus your energy on more important aspects of your business.


Experience Peace of mind with our Professional Bookkeeping Services.

Please contact us today to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation and learn more about how outsourcing to JK Bookkeeping can help your business.  Your success is our success!
