10 Questions to Ask when Hiring a Bookkeeper

Hiring a bookkeeping service to manage your accounting needs can help you identify potential risks and opportunities, in addition to ensuring the integrity of your financial data. Even the smallest business owner can often benefit from their help and advice. Protect your business by taking time to find and hire the right bookkeeping partner and ensuring they are the right fit for your business.
1.    What are your qualification? 
Every bookkeeper should have an accounting or bookkeeping qualification – no exceptions.
2.    Do you have any references?
Every great bookkeeper should have references or testimonials they can provide you.
3.    What experience do you have with businesses like mine?
Your bookkeeper should have some experience in the industry you are in, a similar industry or be working with companies of similar size.  Great bookkeepers get to know a client’s business right away and need very little industry specific training.
4.    What types of clients do you currently have?
This will give you an idea if they have clients that are similar to you in size and volume.  Also discuss the specific growth stage of your business and your projected needs over the coming year.
5.    Are you familiar with my accounting software?
Any potential bookkeeper should know how to use your accounting software and other integrated technology.
6.    What other services do you provide?
Many bookkeepers do much more than just keep the books, such as providing with assistance with technology & online invoicing.  Sometimes it’s good to have one vendor take care of multiple items which can save your business time and money.
7.    Are you a member of a bookkeeping association?
A great bookkeeper will also ensure that your business remains compliant as they stay up to date with changes in regulations. Bookkeeping associations hold regular training in these areas, which will benefit you.
8.    What are your rates and how do you charge?
You need to know the hourly, weekly or monthly scheduled rates if provided.  Some bookkeepers only work by the hour while other have a minimum charge per month or package deals.
9.    Do you work with my accountant?
Most bookkeepers will have no problem working with your accountant to ensure your books are up to date and ready for tax time.  Paying a bookkeeper for some services will save you a lot of money on accountant’s fees over the course of the year.  Great bookkeepers have working relationships with CPA’s and quickly dovetail their services with any new firm.
10. Do they have errors and omissions insurance?
Insist on working with only accredited and insured professionals to handle your finances.
Choosing the right bookkeeper for your business is just like choosing any other staff member. At JK Bookkeeping we focus on answering your interview questions as a starting guide to getting the right services for your business. Based on your financial reports, we can provide direction on how you can improve your business performance as well as share experiences from their other clients.

If you’re already working with a bookkeeper, it’s important to know how to assess their performance and make sure things are on track. This is especially true if numbers and finances aren’t your field of expertise, as is the case for many clients.
Experience Peace of mind with our Professional Bookkeeping Services.

Please contact us today to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation and learn more about how outsourcing to JK Bookkeeping can help your business.  Your Success is Our Success!